Sunday, February 22, 2009

A quick one.

Public speaking's this week.

Nevermind la just use some of my old blog posts.


I can use this. (it has to be an 8 minute speech. What the heck am I going to go on talking about for 8 minutes?)

What is fear? Fear is an emotional response to threats and danger. It is a basic survival mechanism in humas. At least that what wikipedia says about it. My definition of fear, is that cold churning feeling you get in your gut when you're faced with things that basically scare or spook you. Its that feeling where all the hairs behind your neck begin to stand on end. But ever wonder why God created us with this emotion? I mean, we seriously would be so much better off without it don't you think? For instance, we would not fear heights, other people, walking down a dark alley at night alone, and for the guys, we definetly would not fear going up to girls. There's so many things we can accomplish just by taking away this one emotion - fear.

But just like coin has two sides, so does every story.

Life without fear isn't a bed of roses, trust me. We'd just walk across a wide road during rush hour traffic and become roadkill because we don't fear death, or cars speeding at breaknecking speeds. We'd walk down dark alleys and get mugged or worse because we don't fear getting mugged or worse. We wouldn't fear the law and punishment. And that would lead to a lot of imprisonments, executions, you get the idea. And worst of all, we wouldn' fear God. That by far is the biggest mistake any one man could make.

But then again, we can't live life with too much fear. Imagine this, you'd be wetting your pants because your too afraid of stepping outside your house for fear of being bitten by mosquitoes or getting hit by the rain. So if you think about it again, we can't live without fear, but at the same time we can't live with too much of it.

Its natural that we as humans fear some things more than others. Just make sure you fear what you fear for the right reasons. One of the most common fears amongst people is fear of the dark.
But if you just take a moment to think about it, we don't really fear the dark. No we don't. We fear what's in the dark. There are plenty of fears which are totally normal in humans. But there are some that are downright silly. Ever heard of Algophobia? Its the fear of chickens. Try to imagine one of your friends turning white with fear the second you bring him to KFC.

In retrospect, there are some things we should fear, other things that we need not fear. But at the same time there are also fears we have to conquer. Fears that stop you from accomplishing important goals. Fears that hold you back from your full and true potential. Once you overcome them, you become, well, something else. You become not someone who is devoid of fear, you become someone who is aware of what fear truly is. You become refined.

To sum it up, from my point of view, fear's two things. Its an obstacle, but at the same time its a warning line which clearly says: "do not cross"


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