Monday, March 16, 2009


The title has nothing to do with this post at all.
Just finished having dinner after seeing Calvin off from my house.
Bro if you're reading this chill wei.
Today was a blast yet full of ear-piercing and head-banging moments.
And I promised myself long ago that I'd never, ever, ever, ever again listen to chinese emo songs.
Whee I broke that promise today.
Wow chinese emo songs brought back some feelings.
Now I feel like brood-blogging.
And so I shall.

Even if the rain stops falling,
Even if the sun stops shining,
Even if the wind stops blowing,
Even when all else fails,
always know,
A river flows in you.

It always has.

Like light to the dark side of the moon,
Like the missing piece to an unfinished puzzle,
Like the finishing note to a melody,
Like a drop of water to barren earth,
Like the queen of hearts of a deck of cards.
Like the only jasmine in a garden full of roses.

I'm beginning to think how I overlooked you before.

What's funny is,
I can say all these things here,
but they're like words falling on a deaf ear,
if I don't bring these words to life.

"How will you bring these words to life?"
all of you may ask.

Its simple.

The answers always been there.
You're just not looking hard enough.
What's the answer?
That's for me to know,
and you to find out.

Like rivers never cease to flow,
Like the birds will never stop singing,
Like donuts will always be sweet,
Never stop believing in hope.


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