Monday, July 13, 2009

Don't glance. Gaze.

A time will come when we all have to make a decision.
One of many.
That time will come soon.

There will come a time, where we should do nothing, but look up.
Look up and not to your sides where you'll see others and grow envious.
Look up and see things for what they are.
Look up and remember what's important, not urgent.

There are countless stars in the skies.
All you need to do is look up.
All we need to do is look up.
All I need to do is look up.

Because if we don't, we just might miss everything.
Face the world with and upward stare, and you just might survive it.

Make the decision, make the call.
And if you wonder how much time we have left?

Not much.

Just thought I'd do one of these posts once in a while. :)

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