Saturday, June 27, 2009

Rethinking again.

Lately I've been wondering.
Why did I ever name my blog complete deck?
Or even why my blog title is "Its an endless pursuit"?
I used to remember why I wrote the things I wrote and why I said the things I said.

I've lost sight of that.

I've lost sight of it amidst all the studying, homework, projects, etc. etc.

There used to be a time where most of everything I did, I did it full of enthusiasm and joy.
Now most of everything I do is just, empty.
There's no other way to describe it.

I'm missing something but I'm just not too sure what the hell it is.
It feels like each passing day is just another escape from the fact that I'm running away from what I really need.
It feels like each day I'm quitting my pursuit more and more and more.
And it feels like each day that passes I draw more further away from what I had set my sights on from the beginning.

I've forgotten what that feeling was.
That feeling where everything was complete, everything had purpose, and everything was right.

I hope its not too late to remember again.


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