Thursday, May 7, 2009

Words strung together by a red thread.

I know I said no more brooder posts, but what the heck la. Not like she's going to read it. And Cher Haow if you're reading this you know what to expect at the end of the post.

Looking at the way things are, nothing much's changed.

Things are all still working the way their supposed to.
The birds still fly and sing, the water still runs in streams and rivers, the homework is still aplenty, the food we eat is still good and the air we breathe still gives us life.

But there's one thing that has changed.

I used to say a broken heart refines you. I'm trying to be a testament to those words.
Those of us who don't understand our past mistakes are doomed to repeat them.
But having said that, where did I go wrong?
I'm still looking for a reason as to why all this happened.
As to why my heart was shattered all over again.
As to why I have to slowly and painfully pick up the pieces again.

I thought a distraction would help, but how wrong was I.
Distractions are only temporary escapes for people to turn away from the reality of what was, what is, and what's going to be.
I have to face the reality that it still hurts no matter how much I try to convince myself that it doesn't.

I've been thinking a lot lately.
About fate. About destiny.
Thinking about how I'm supposed to figure out what mine is. Its a daily struggle mind you.
Then this thought came to mind.

We're all searching for something.

Some of us search for things to help justify our existence.

Some of us search for things to help complete our lives, to fill that dark empty void in our heart.

Some of us search for solace and tranquility amidst all the chaos in the world.

Some of us search for the other truth.

I found it in you.

Trying to be a testament to my own words is not easy when you're around


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