Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Old? Maybe. Still loved? Definitely.

Got a surprise when I got home from work yesterday. IMG_1935 His who knows how old Canon 24-85mm lens I sent for repair some time before Christmas (which reminds me, I have to update on that too!) Apparently it had fungal growth and the had to change some parts here and there.IMG_1936

This is what it looked like, BEFORE it was sent for repair and cleaning:IMG_5942 Check out the fungal growth…..that’s what happens when its been in storage for over 9 years.

And this is what it looks like now:IMG_1940 HOMG IS THAT THE SAME LENS??? YES IT IS! I KNOW RIGHT???

lol sorry, its the first lens I have other than my stock lens. SAVING UP FOR 50mm AND ZOOM LENS.

Have yet to test it out. Maybe I’ll bring it to work today and go on a shooting spree during break! By the way, in case any of you’ve been wondering, I started work at Tokyo G (formerly known as Sushigroove) recently. Its been okay so far, actually quite fun working there, meeting new people, serving new types of food, oh, and I learn how to make a mocktail or two.

Anyway, just thought I’d give a quick update before I go to work. Hope all you readers are doing fine wherever you are. And Fara, if you’re reading this, WHY HAVEN’T YOU VISITED MY RESTAURANT YET

that is all. =D

1 comment:

A'skiah said...

oh you just love to put a personal touch on things dont you.:p my ass is at port DICKson brendy; what would you have me do? :p