Its been a long time coming, but I finally got my lazy ass off the couch and my hands off the PS3 controller and updated on this post, before I lock away the pics in MA VAULT.
The day started with a pickup from the hotel, and pickups of other tourists from other hotels. It was basically pretty quiet in the van for the 1 and a half hours it took us to reach our first stop: The Floating Market. Seeing as how boring it was with everyone so quiet in the car, I took a few shots on the way.
Take one.
And here comes a point in time where I get so damn lazy to explain what was happening, so I’m just going to say where the photos were taken. Less reading involved =D On the way to the floating market
To sum up the floating market – cool in a floating market kinda way, water smells like shit and looks worse than it smells, would like going there again, but with someone who speaks Thai. Btw, almost everything in Thailand seems to taste good.
Elephant farm
They never forget.
And I sorta forgot where I went after that. But it involved snakes and wood carvings. Even the caplang buffet food there tasted awesome.
That’s the restaurant manager in the middle. And he’s in his early 30s. DAMN
This sauce, paired with
THIS FISH. AWESOME. I have never loved fish like that so much before.
Take two.
Last day, finally coming up. And I have plenty to write about.