Friday, July 3, 2009

Music and food on the go.

Finally finished seni project today!!!
After two weeks of work, work, and nothing more but work, its finally done!
Speaking of which, En. Megat is such a fking opportunist.
He sold us cheap plywood which would normally cost us less than 5 bucks for rm 10.
He just made himself less popular with everyone.
Which just leaves me to question...what is he going to teach us after we're all done with the seni project?
Well, only God knows.

I should bring my camera out with me more....
After tuition Cher Haow gave me a call to go out to Curve for a drink.
And whaddya know, there was a music festival going on there.

The first band that came on was awesome, what with all the beats and their music.
Seriously should have brought my camera.
Ate dinner there and after a few rounds of pool with the fakai, I headed home.

This post would've looked better with pictures don't you think?
I'll post them up next time.

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