Monday, May 25, 2009

Take me back to when it all fell apart.

Personal note to self: don't spend too much time on detail during art.
3 hours is just not enough.
And I shouldn't have drawn the Space Marines from Dawn of War.
Finishing the sketches alone took me an hour and a half...
Cos Desmond and I dropped Perdagangan, we got to go to the library to "study".
Studies turned into a chat with Pn Aliza,
a chat with Pn Aliza turned into an hour-long discussion about our futures and that turned into a visit to the couselling room.
Then we consulted Pn Chang and we got another talk.
All these discussions and talks about your future may bore you and the thought that these teachers don't understand you at all, but contrary to popular beliefs they really do know a lot.
They shed some light on a lot of things we didn't know about.
So in retrospect, dropping Perdagangan was a blessing in disguise!
Got home today...pretty stoned la
I'm beginning to get sick of instant noodles.
Fell asleep and by the time I woke up it was seven.
I hate waking up stoned.
The weather is beginning to get to me la.
On a different note, I should be studying Prinsip Akauns and History.
Akauns can study but its so friggin hard to remember some stuff.
History from the beginning was a failure so nevermind.
Was thinking a lot today. About a lot of things.

Earlier this year things seemed like they were well on their way to making 09 one of the best years of my life.
But it all changed slowly. And it was a turn for the worse.
I've lost so much and if I don't do something soon, I'll lose even more.
Now its all about damage control.
I'm trying so hard to salvage what I have left.
I'm trying so hard to move on.
I'm trying so hard to erase memories that should have never been made.
Trying so hard to hold onto the memories that are all you have left of someone.
Trying so hard to make whatever sense I can amidst all this chaos.
And while I'm doing all that, I hang on to my sanity.

These thoughts of you hang just like pictures, gathering dust over time.


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